Westmorland Caravans (Meathop) Ltd.
Meathop Caravan Park
Cumbria LA11 6RB
The old photographs were taken in about June 1975, the new photos were February 2009
Just driving onto the bottom site.
Half way round the bottom site, on Fir Crescent. Note how big the fir trees have grown on the left. The small group of firs on the right, in front of the white caravan, have just been felled, they were huge!
Looking towards the play area on bottom site, again. Compare the sizes of the Fir trees, to now. The Oaks and Silver Birch have hardly changed size.
Bottom site play area, trees hardly changed. A better climbing frame though..
Play area from other site, Oak tree hardly changed. It has now the rope swing on.
New top site, better road now, trees have become bushes. 10 foot wide white caravans, now 12 foot wide green ones. The grass is looking a bit better now.... The big crab apple tree in front of the 2nd caravan up, blew down in some high winds a few years ago, just missing the caravan.
The sales office is now the Information centre, with the security barrier. The office is now in the wardens bungalow just behind the photographer.